How did you get your start in paper crafting?In 2007, while I was pregnant with my first, I was introduced to a scrapbooking company through an online community I was a part of. Eventually I became a consultant for that company. After some time I wasn't as excited about the product and returned to just being a scrapbooker and crafter.
When Koen (my oldest) was about 6 months old I was introduced to card making by my friend Colleen. I continued to scrapbook (improving all the time!) and to make cards and eventually my friend Leisa signed up for Close to My Heart.
It was September of 2010 that I signed up under Leisa as an independant consultant with Close to My Heart.
Why did you name your blog "Stamp Off, Eh!"?There's two reasons actually and they sort of overlap. There's a technique in the stamping world called "Stamping Off", all you do is stamp your image once on a piece of scrap and then stamp again without reinking. You get a slightly paler version of the image. This technique can be used for a drop shadow on text as well, very effective.
The other reason is... well... I'm a fan of Bob and Doug. Parents out there may remember them for their roles as the
Moose (Rutt and Toque) in Brother Bear. If you're not Canadian the Hoosiers are hard to explain...
it's best seen. But the brothers are known for several phrases (and noises) but one of the more common is "take off, eh". Every time I heard someone say we should do a stamp off, all I could hear was "take off, eh!"